
Le flux de l'or bleu • Oeuvre publique

Grand théâtre, Vaudreuil-Soulanges, Canada.

On April 25, 2019, at the Grand Théâtre of the Cité-des-Jeunes secondary school, the artist Tina Struthers presented Le Flux de l'or bleu, a project carried out as part of the Montérégie Territorial Partnership Program. West of the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec (CALQ) and the MRC of Vaudreuil-Soulanges. The artist unveiled the mural of collective works created by the visual arts students as well as the works that she created herself. This project of creation, production and influence in fine crafts (textile arts) has enabled the production of a new series of works on a large scale. Inspired by our region's precious freshwater resource, these works are primarily constructed from reclaimed denim. These works explore the fragility of our region’s precious freshwater resources. Textured abstract works that reflect the movement and flow of water. This work calls into question our use of fresh water and the future of this resource. Nearly 300 students created works related to this project carried out in close collaboration with Ms. Nancy Lépine, a visual arts teacher, and her colleagues, Ms. Marie-Eve Grenier and Ms. Julie Plante Filiatrault. The creative process included exploring the use of textile as a means of texture relief and collage.

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